Sunday, July 7, 2013

The First Week


Sorry I haven't  posted in awhile, I've been a little busy with surgery and everything!! Here was my experience of the surgery so far:

Going into the surgery, I was veeeerrryyyy nervous! This is because of the IV, anesthesia and of course the actual surgery!!! Basically,  I went into the hospital, got prepped up and waited about 2 hours until I was rolled into the o.r. All I remember is wheeling into a big room with bright lights, seeing the surgeon- and then nothing!!! When I woke up, I found out that I was sensitive to the anesthesia they gave me and slept for another 2 hours after the surgery was over!!! After that I was  SOOO tired and I just wanted to go home. When we were finally home I figured I should try to take some of that pain medication the doctor gave me. I took one taste of it, spit it up in the sink and decided my foot didn't hurt that bad yet. That night I went to bed slightly sore.

FRIDAY<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

This morning I woke up--- not so happy ( on a scale of 1-10, it was a 5) So instead of the "yummy" medicine, I took Tylenol. During the day, my pinky toe hurt the most. My other toes had swollen so much that they pushed my poor pinky into the edge of the cast. We had to go back to the doctor to have them cut that part of the cast out, at least that's what we thought they would do. But, instead they cut it on both sides to give it room to swell and also for the pinky to breathe. That night it was unbearable. I woke my mom up crying in agony. ( again on a scale from 1-10, it was a 8 1/2) she asked me if it was the pain or something else and I said the pain. I also asked her, "What did I do to my poor foot???" she then insisted I take the pain meds. I did it without hesitation.


Today was nothing spectacular, though I was relived to wake with only a 6 on the pain scale. Basically, all day I slept on the couch.


Today was really the day when cabin fever started kicking in!! I was feeling better so I wanted to go out and do something. So when my mom said she had to go hopping at Meijer I jumped at the chance and decided to go for my first "big adventure"!!! ( there of course I used wheelchair)

REST OF THE WEEK;);););););););););););););););););););););););););););););)

From here on out, I felt great. Monday was my last day taking the "yummy" medicine and my "adventures" got bigger and bigger everyday. Even on Wednesday, we went to see a movie and we went out to dinner!! So now, my hopes are up and I just cant wait to walk normally again, but I know I still have a long way to go!!!!

Here are some more pics:

This is my foot RIGHT after surgery.

This is my foot the night before my surgery.

This was kind of a joke between my mom and I- it says "Fall Risk"

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