Friday, July 12, 2013

Seeing my new foot!!!

       Alright, was the day when we went into the doctor's office and they took off my old cast, my stiches and then put on a new cast. I really like going to the doctor's office because of our favorite nurse, Rachel. She is super nice and always makes us laugh. While Rachel was taking off my cast, I found it hard to look at my foot.  the bandage around it was covered in dry blood. When everything was off, my foot felt a little achy and very tingly. When the stiches were being taken out, it didn't  hurt much, really only the ones with a bunch of dried blood around them hurt at all. This time my new cast was purple!!! I am very excited to see what my foot looks like in another 2 weeks!!!!

Here are some pics my mom took at the doctor's office:



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